Chicagoland MG Club: Driveline January 2019

(Continued from page 14)
finally traced down to a bad connector pin between the ignition switch and main harness. With that finally repaired it ran well again, grins all around, and we were off. After an evening WiFi session we were heading south again, ending up near Tallahassee, Florida shortly after midnight.

After a very hectic four summer months in eastern Canada, and two very fast months in the northeastern states of the USA, we had a lot of catching up to do. There were some long delayed tech articles to write and post, including one on conversion of the MGA front wheel hub from ball bearings to tapered roller bearings (not that I would ever do that). It was also time for new tires on the car again, how fast a year and a half and 50,000 miles flies by. Otherwise we intend to lay low and maybe just kill several winter weeks in Florida (if we can find enough to do to keep us from being bored).

Flooded MGB beginning conversion to race car
We dropped into Tech Central in Bonita Springs to see what our old friends were up to, mostly on Fridays. On the 14th we found an MGB that had been donated with the intent of being converted to a race car, so that would keep the gang busy for a while. There was a vintage Mercury Comet with a modern Ford Mustang engine that was being revived and breathed its first breath in many years. The MG Midget that was getting new floor pans last spring was just coming out of the paint shop to have the doors installed. The Toyota Corolla that was having front suspension rebuilt last spring was going into the paint booth. The Sunbeam Alpine that was in for sheet metal work last spring is now in primer paint, needing a little more body work and sanding before final paint. My MGA got a gearbox oil change and some headlight wiring repairs. And for something new, there was a somewhat shabby Chevy Chevette about to donate its drive train for a kit car project. Dec 14 was a serious work day. Dec 21 had a little work done but was otherwise reserved for a Holiday feast with about 15 people at Tech Central. Since then we have been loafing with no great rush to more appointments.

Toyota Corolla going into paint

Sunbeam Alpine finishing body work

Midget with new paint beginning

GT6+ needs minor repairs before next race season

Until next month, follow our follies at:

~~ Barney and Elliot Gaylord

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