Chicagoland MG Club: Driveline February 2018

  Monthly Meeting Minutes
January 15, 2018

Victor Lheureux

22 Members in attendance.

CMGC President Ray Hansen opened the meeting at 8:00. No new guests.

Car projects
Russ Mehaffey would like to hold a tech session on replacing a gas gauge sensor on his MG A.

Storage shed cleanout.
The old storage shed has been cleaned out due to our loss of lease. New storage has been rented from Public Storage down the street.

Holiday Party.
Ralph Arata gave an update on next year’s party. Due to Ralph’s planned out-of-state move, Steve Sparks and Dave Novak will be co-chairs of the 2018 Holiday Party.

Amtrak Trip.
Jake & Ann Snyder gave a brief update on the upcoming train trip to Detroit. Still openings.

British Car week.
Jaimie Schafer mentioned that May 26 – June 3 will be British Car Week and encouraged all to drive their MGs to work that week.

Ray Hanson gave an update on the GOF at Lake Lawn Lodge in Delevan Wi June 27-30. The Vintage club is asking for volunteers. There are 75 rooms set aside for the event. Members must call the lodge directly, there will be no online bookings. Ray Costa’s wife is looking for women to help with the women’s events.


2018 Driving Events planning.
Jaimie Shafer went over the preliminary schedule of events and asked for members to pass on any ideas for future events.

Ray Hanson mentioned the concerns over non-contested elections. It was agreed that due to the complexity of this issue, it will be revisited at the February and March general membership meeting. There was a straw poll vote that favored keeping the ballots for all elections. Ray asked that there be a notice in the Driveline mentioning that the topic will be brought up at the next two meetings.

50/50 Raffle.
Tim Shafer won $17.00 in the 50/50 raffle and donated to the wait staff at Mack’s Golden Pheasant.

Staff reports.
Library, no report.
Driveline, no report.
Treasurer, checking has $6,728.90, savings has $19,239.82, total club balance is $25,988.72

Meeting adjourned at 9:15

Respectfully submitted,
Phil Wydra for
Victor L’Heureux
CMGC Secretary 

From Ray Hansen

Winter in this part of the world can certainly be the doldrums for LBC owners. Although we have little chance to drive ‘em, we do have plenty of time to think about warmer days.

Fortunately, we also enjoy one of the finest newsletters of any club, allowing us to stay connected and share stories. As you know, Victor L’Heureux works tirelessly toward that end, but he needs you and me to give him the material to work with. Many of us have been too busy to lend a hand, but I’m asking you to join me in changing that.

The subject couldn’t be easier, “My first British Car”. Each of us has that story, whether you bought it, inherited it, married into it, or whatever, there is a story to be told. And not just one story per couple because unless your relationship is way different than mine with Maggie (AKA Little Red), there are two sides to every story.

This is the time of the year when our activities are at a minimum, so Vic has plenty of space available and appreciates the input. The first story of “My first British Car” appears in this month’s Driveline and is the cover feature story. Now it is your turn, you have plenty of time to tell your story and get it to Vic for the following month. And no, don’t rely on someone ELSE to do it. It’s your turn, and we all want to hear your story.

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