Chicagoland MG Club: Driveline November 2018
Feature Event
2018 Halloween Rally
Sunday October 28, 2018

It was a cold, damp and blustery day…..That just about describes the 2018 Halloween Rally - it felt like the Moors of England right out of a Dicken’s classic. How fitting that such a day would play host for one of our last rallies of the year. Ten brave teams showed up defying the elements in their MGs. Another five, less adventurous teams participated in more refined vehicles.

Driving the route in a British classic rewarded the passengers with a cold, wet and uncomfortable occurrence. The way Morris Garages intended. On the other hand, those traveling in a more civilized automobile resulted in a warm, dry, quiet, and comfortable ride. Sissies. There were a total of 15 cars and ten much appreciated helpers in attendance for the drivers meeting. However, before the rally could begin, drivers had to demonstrate their skills by pulling up as close as possible to a pumpkin without their passenger tire smashing it.

Once they were verified as road worthy, the drivers were allowed to cruise throughout the countryside in quest of challenges and treasures. Off they went driving through wooded lands filled with mighty hills, curvaceous turns and unknown undertakings. Each team was faced with the daunting task of chucking eyeballs into Halloween buckets only to be then faced with the exasperating task of bouncing ping pong balls into the ghost’s goblets. Lastly, if their navigational skills allowed, the members found themselves faced with the unnerving task of sending eyeballs into the unknown terrors of a haunted house. Our club is full of brave and hearty souls. Except for one car that developed electrical gremlins and had to drop out, all teams completed the challenges thrust upon them.

While dining at the Village Squire in Dundee, we all celebrated the victories of the winners. When the ballots were all counted, Steve Sparks was the winner of best male costume. Not to be left in the cold, his partner in crime, Jody Simons took best female costume honors. The Big Bad Wolf rides with Little Red Riding hood.

Of course, no CMGC function would be complete without a little bit of royalty showing up. Bill Kalafut and Jean Heasley won first place for couples’ costume as a Prince and his Royal Queen. Somewhere, I saw a trench coated man waving hi to the crowd. His hands never left his pockets.

Rounding out the day were the awards for the driving teams. First place for the rally goes to Tim and Jamie Schafer. While coming in second place was Pete Psiharis and Beth Reed. Taking the third place shot glass was Steve and Liz Gorr. How do the two teams that got lost come in first and third? Humm… This was Pete and Beth’s first CMGC rally. I believe they may be hooked now.

Rally Winners—(left to right) - Tim amp; Jamie Schafer, Pete Psiharis & Beth Reed and Steve & Liz Gorr.

This year the weather was the trick. Hopefully, next year it will be a treat.

~~ Phil Wydra    

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