Chicagoland MG Club: Repairing and Restoring Classic Car Components
Repairing and Restoring Classic Car Components
by Peter Wallage and John Wallage

Haynes Publishing, January 17, 2002, Hardcover
ISBN-10: 1859606946 - ISBN-13: 978-1859606940

Learn how to rescue, repair and restore old components - the knowledge you need to keep a restored car on the road, or to undertake a full rebuild. Unlike with modern cars, classic car hobbyists cannot simply throw away and replace parts when they break. This book will show you basic workshop techniques, such as welding, grinding, riveting and soldering.

You will also learn how to adapt new parts to fit old components, and perform repairs on door locks, fuel pumps, distributors, speedometers, and many other complex parts of your collector car. The authors tell you what jobs can be done with basic hand tools, what specialized equipment might be needed, and which jobs need to be sent out to a professional.

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