Chicagoland MG Club: Library
The UK toUSA Distionary
By Dervaes and Hunter

138 pages, 2012

Recently the Goeberts, Dianna Gonzales, Deb and I were touring Scotland on a trip sponsored by the Zorns of Little British Car Company. One day Shirley got a hankering for some ice cream. Dianna had just spotted a sign for malts, so Roger, ever the gentleman, asked the driver if we could stop. He was happy to oblige. Unbeknown to us, innocents abroad, malt shop has a slightly different meaning in Scotland than it does in the U. S. of A. Not like Pop’s Shoppe where Archie, Betty, Veronica and Jug-head hung out after school. But we went in anyways and sampled a dram (or two).

A small book in size, but it might just keep you from making a similar ‘mistake’ as mentioned above if you get across the pond. As George Bernard Shaw said, “Two countries separated by a common language.”

~~ Bill Mennell

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