Chicagoland MG Club: Driveline July 2018

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Monthly Column of Driving Events

Hello Everyone!!!!

What an INCREIBLE month June was!!!! So many memorable and terrific driving events and Rally’s went on. For those of you who did not attend any of these, boy…did you miss out! (kidding) but honestly, they were all AMAZING!!

We started the month right out of the gate with the popular Jo Davies Tour in Galena. Ray & Sue Hansen and Tim & I organized this event! If I must say, it was GREAT!!! The weather was beautiful, the drive was more than to be expected and the stops and restaurants were fantastic! You can read Jean Heasley’s review in this month’s Driveline.

I would, however like to inform you that there was a rather BIG hiccup/mishap for Tim Schafer (my poor hubby). We were doing just fine getting to Stockton Friday night, but Tim noticed that he had an issue with his brake line. Dean Hickenlooper, Steve Sparks, Bill Kalafut and a cast of others helped Tim repair the line and off we went on a great ride until after lunch, the little MG Midget would not start up…. All the guys once again rallied and tried to figure out what the problem was. With no success after a good 45 minutes, the tour had to continue and Tim and I tried our hardest to get the little temperamental car to start. With no avail…we had to call Hagerty to tow us from Savana back to the hotel in Stockton. That next morning, as the sun rose, the guys once again put their heads together and tried to figure out what the problem was. They were able to get the Midget to start, there was no good explanation as to why or how, but nevertheless, Tim and I proceeded to head home and unfortunately could not participate in the 2nd half of the spectacular drive.

It all turned out fine. We made it home without breaking down and the car started up fine the next morning…go figure! Tim is still perplexed and is currently troubleshooting and rebuilding the carburetor with the help of Steve Skeggs. Hopefully we get this little guy running for the next few events coming up!

Jim Compton is to be well commended for not only organizing the 1st Miata Autocross of the season, but for also being the sole participant on a VERY Rainy amp; Steamy LONG day! Maybe some of you will be able to attend and challenge your finesse with your MGs at this month’s Autocross being held on Saturday July 14th at Boomers Stadium Schaumburg, IL.

There was a nice turnout for the Highland Games. Although the weather was BLISTERING HOT OUT….Our faithful MG cars did their best to showcase up against the prestigious Lotus’s, Jaguar’s, Triumphs and other various British cars. Needless to say, none of our SPORTY MGs placed in the People’s Choice award for the car show event. Thank you, James Brennan, for organizing another great day out!


I will have to recap on the Lands’ End Rally, hosted and organized by Dean & Kerry Hickenlooper. This exciting event took place Saturday, June 23rd.

I anticipate having an extraordinary recap on the legendary GOF Central in Lake Delavan Wisconsin. This took place on Wed. June 27th – Saturday June 30th. With all the hard work and time Ray Costa and many members of the Vintage club and the help of some CMGC members put into making this an EPIC event, I am confident it was VERY successful!

This month has just as many Fantastic events in store for you!

The Mid-Summer MG Party is a go!! This is a GREAT time to get together, hang out by the lake, grill and have a few drinks with fellow MG friends. Thank you, Scott Fohrman, for hosting this gathering at your house. Don’t forget to bring your slot cars, I hear Scott has quite the track set up for racing!!! Also, bring whatever you may want to grill for lunch. Scott will provide the beverages. This event takes place on Saturday July 7th. Please RSVP with Scott. His phone number is 847-212-9388.

The 2nd Miata Auto Cross of 2018 is taking Place on Saturday July 14th Boomers Stadium Schaumburg, IL. Come on out and join Jim Compton on this exhilarating day!

Try to make the Golf Course Tour and 19th Hole Picnic/Cookout. This event is on Saturday July 21st. Doug Clark, & Jerry Cihak are organizing and hosting this BRAND-NEW driving event! Please RSVP by Wednesday, July 18th.
Doug ( - for the Tour
Jerry ( - for the 19th Hole Picnic / Cookout

I cannot emphasize enough about the42/52 Anniversary Tour. Robert Weinstein & Chris Edmonds will be your hosts and organizers for this lovely Driving tour taking place on Sunday July 29th. You will need to RSVP to Robert before July 22, Sunday. His number is 312-402-1765

Looking ahead in August……It’s your 3rd chance to rev up your engines for the Miata Autocross III on August 4th at Boomers Stadium in Schaumburg.

The All Aboard Tour will be taking place on Saturday, August 11th. This is a GREAT drive and tour, especially if you like trains! It is very impressive to see these enormous Steam engines and nostalgic trains from many different eras! Jim Compton & Bob Dorley will be your host and organizer once again. There will be detailed information in this month’s driveline.

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