Chicagoland MG Club: Driveline October 2018
Past Event

ALL Aboard 2!
September 22, 2018

What a lovely day for a drive! Sky was blue and the air crisp—just a great fall day.

The drivers’ meeting started the even off at 10 am at the Meijer Foods (815 S. Randall Rd. Elgin) parking lot near the Starbucks coffee house. and was followed by a fairly short drive to the museum via a number of country roads. There were a few unexpected road conditions—newly tarred gravel awaiting a topcoat of asphalt—for one.

Even though the group were separated in to many splitter groups, we all seemed to arrive at the destination at the same time. - Go figure. Entry into the facility was through Gate B into a grassy secure area on the grounds.

Lunch was available at the museum in their Dinner (cafeteria). They offered burgers, Hot dogs, BBQ beef, and Chicken sandwiches. Since the museum is a
non-for-profit it was suggested we buy our lunch there to help support the museum.

Since the tour was officially ended at this point, members casually strolled the facility taking in all the railway history of the nation from steam to electric to diesel propulsion. We were fortunate to have the Steam locomotive in operation and many of the group took advantage of the half-hour ride on private rails.

It was a great day.

~~ Bob Dorley & Tim Schafer

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